Sunday, August 28, 2005

Happily Narcissistic

I have missed writing...And there's been sooo much change in my life. Like assuming myself...(well getting a big head is more like it but, whatever!) I like this!!! I like being narcissistic, I AM narcissistic and I say it loud and proud! I think I deserve to be. After many poor life and love choices, I'm back on track. In order to spoil myself, I have decided I would see myself as worthy of the best. And how do you do so? It's obvious, you just see yourself as the best!

My sister used to annoy me like crazy because she's a bit like this, it has it's advantages. For example...I won't deny I could afford to lose 5 to 10 pounds and yet, I know I look and feel great!  I don't even need to be told. I just feel like a million bucks. Like my sister when she'd look at herself in the mirror and would say: "Danze!" (Bare with me...this word doesn't exist and it's hard for me to figure out how to write it so it's easy for people who speak english (it's kinda in french) to pronounce it right.) Let's just say it means: "In that outfit I could cause a crash!" Lol

I call it the side effects of singlehood. Well for me at least...I realised I settle for less in the past so thinking I'm the best makes me wait and I shall choose carefully, next time, who is worthy to be mine. Right now, I am having a BIG problem (well not really 'cause I don't mind being single) but guys seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. Since when do you get intimate with someone before the relationship? I mean, it happens but if it's primarly what you're looking for don't try to let me think you'll ever be serious!!! I do not want a friend with benefits! Lol, sometimes I feel like I have to draw a picture! ;)

Narcissistic me says I'll do what I had planned to do before, maybe wait a year into the relationship before being intimate with someone. Not just anyone can or will get some lovin' from me and AMEN to that!!! Well I have never been easy but now that even includes the effort I'd put in a relationship. If a guy wants to be with me, he better show me he will work at it if we're having troubles. I'll do my part but not even a tiny bit more than what is required. He's gotta know he's lucky he even got a chance to talk to me in the place! Refer to the title if you have a problem with that! Lol

From where I'm standing now, it feels great to be me and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am full of project, potential and talent and I'm not looking for anyone to validate that. Would be cool someone to share it with but being alone is definitly not what will stop me. I have loved and I was "wrong" so now, I'm saving all this love I have for me. I'm happily narcissistic and will only change that for the most amazing person in the world!

So come on, be a little narcissistic, I don't think it's never really hurt anyone! ;)