Monday, February 20, 2006

Old?? Nah!!!! Older? I guess...

So, my sister turned 30 last month. A little shock, probably because for a 30 year old she looks damn good (like 25 max.) and so do all her friends. Maybe a little shock also because I did not see her freak out over the big 3-0! Funny how we make big deals out of nothing. She just started freaking out. What happened to that whole: "Age is just a number" line? My birthday and my friend's are coming soon (we'll both be 24.) So since it's a few days away and she seemed excited, I decided, I'd see if she's freak out if I started to show her how fast time flies. So I told her next year, we'd have a quarter of a century, then 5 year later, the big 3-0...before I even got a chance to keep going she was already asking me to stop and freaking out!

I think time is a reminder of our failure. Not failure in the proper sense but failure to achive our dreams, our goals. Sure over time we change them and maybe settle for less but there will always be that one dream that will never die...No? Look deep inside, I'm sure you have one. I say, it's never too late and who cares? I have chosen to live my life how it comes and go with the flow. I don't think I'll realise that dream of mine but whatever, it's ok. I'd much rather be happy and live a life free of stress instead of freaking out over what I have not yet accomplished.

So what if life is short? 30 is the end for some of us but for others it's 10, 11, 20 or God forbids 0...We made it that far...I always thought I'd die young, I'm not sure how young and at what age I'll be considering myself old, but I guess it'd be a blessing. A good excuse for everything I had yet to accomplished but procrastinated instead! ;)