Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A walk?...anyone...?

Part one

I live in the city. A city like any others. People are busy. People have things to do, people to see...I like walking....Lol, does that make any sense? I'm not sure it was meant to. Just that I feel, in the city, people are sooo busy!!! Too busy to enjoy life. And if they walk, it's from point A to B. Everyone has a goal. Do I have one when I walk? Sure, I know where I'm going, but is it really my goal?

Nope, my goal is to enjoy the ride, observe, find some peace of mind. I like walking, I like thinking. I like to break free from my life that I consider busy. Is it really busy? How? What am I to do that can't wait, that's sooo important? My life, my well-being...

Besides that, I don't see anything else. So I'm not saying my life can wait but I don't wanna spend it in that constant urgent state too many people live in. I wanna be able to stop, take a deep breath and just live freely. Walk just 'cause I want to, my well-being tells me I need to slow down every once in a while. And when I need to slow down, I take a walk...

Now part two...

Like I stated before, I like walking. Do you know what reminds me anytime I live in a city and people are busy? Well their lack of respect for pedestrian would be a good example. Hell, how many times have I almost got hit by a car? Hard to keep track. Stop signs ignored, red lights ignored, excess speeding people just not paying ANY attention to what is surrounding them! HEY, I know you're in a hurry but do you mind not brushing my pants with your car!!!

Yeah, I'm a lil' pissed off. I have every right to be. People commit so many effractions...Man, I wish every pedestrian had the right to hand in tickets. All this just makes me want to stay home and take the bus. But I don't give up. And when I ride my bicycle...OMG, it's even more dangerous, all those doors, once again, drivers turning without warning and sooo much more...

Well they didn't get to me yet. And I know us, pedestrian, don't always respect the signalisation. One thing remains, when we don't, chances are we'll hurt ourselves, for the automobilists, when you don't, chances are, you'll hurt someone like me! So please be careful while driving!

And anyone who thinks they're too busy to take it slow and just enjoy a ride; take a vacation far away from the city. Once you get there, take a deep breath and start walking. ;)

Sunday, March 13, 2005


This text was not written by me. I received it in a class I attended. I like the message very much and I can honestly say that that's a great way to live and we can and shoud all learn from Jerry! ;)

The text is originally in french, so if anything was lost in translation, let me know! ;)

Good Mood

Jerry is a manager in the restoration in Philadelphia. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When he is asked how it goes, he always answers: "If I were better than that,we would be two: my twin and me!"

When he moves, several waiters and waitresses are ready to quit their job to follow him to another restaurant for the only reason that they admire his attitude. He is a natural motivator. When an employee spins a bad cotton, Jerry is always there to show to him the good side of the things.

Curious, I went to see Jerry one day to ask him: "I do not understand. It is not possible to be always positive like that, everywhere, all the time. How do you do it?" And Jerry to answer:"Every morning when when I wake, I think that, today, I can either chose to be in a good mood or chose to be in a bad mood. I always decide to be in a good mood.

When deplorable incident occurs I can chose to be a victim or I can choose to learn a lesson from it. When somebody comes to complain with me, I can choose to hear his complaint, or, I can try to show to him the good side of the thing."

"But it is not always so easy", I told him. And Jerry to reply: "Life, it is a question of choice. One chooses his way of reacting to the situations. One chooses how the others can influence him or not. One chooses to be in a good mood or bad mood. One chooses to live his life in the manner which is suitable to them."

Several years later, I heard that Jerry incidentally did what one should never do in restoration: he left unlocked the restaurant̢۪s back door a morning and was surprised by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, trembling of nervousness, he did not manage to make the numerical combination. One of the intruder panicked and shot him. Fortunately for Jerry, he was quickly transported to the hospital.

After eighteen hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released of the hospital with remains of bullets which had not successfully been withdrawed of his body.

I say Jerry again, six months after the incident and I asked him how he reacted to it all. "If I were better than that, he said, we would be two: my twin and me. You want to see the scars?"

I did not want to see the wound, but I asked him what had gone through his mind at the time of the robbery. And Jerry said: "The first thing that crossed my mind was that I should have closed the back door of the restaurant with a key. And then, lying on the floor after being shot, I remembered that I could still make a choice either to live or to die. And I chose to live."

"Weren't you afraid?" I asked.

And he answered : "The ambulance men were quite correct. They did not cease saying to me that all was well. But while entering the operating room at the hospital, I saw the expression of the doctors and nurses and, then, I was afraid. I saw in their eyes that I was a dead man and I knew I had to act quickly."

"And then, what did you do?" "Well, my friend, there was a large nurse who bombarded me questions; she wanted to know if I were allergic to something. I said yes, and the doctors and the nurses stopped to hear what I was going to say. I took a deep breath and I said to them that I was allergic to gun̢۪s bullets! When they stopped laughing, I said to them that I had made the choice to live and that they would make better operate me as if I were a living man rather than a dead one!"

Jerry survived thanks to the expertise of the doctors but also thanks to his astonishing attitude! I learned from him that, everyday, we must make choices: to benefit fully from the life or to be bored from it as long as we like. The only thing which belongs to us and which nobody can control, nor take away, are our attitudes. Then, when one can cultivate positive attitudes, all that remains is the small stuff.

Now, it is up to us to choose!

What is or once was...Letting go...

Our past is what our future is shaped of. one can not pretend to just let go of the past and start a new life. The events, the choices made, the people who affected you one way or another, were all part of a masterplan that made you who you are today.

That's what I believe. Sometimes, I tell myself I'd go back and stop some things from happening. But then, I'd be spending so much time looking back and fixing what went wrong, I wouldn't live much...No, I'd rather live my life with no regrets like I always say. Why? Think about the energy you're wasting?! Obviously you can't go back so I say, let it go.

What do I mean by letting go....This tendency we have to hold on to people or things that are part of our past. What I like to do is evaluate. So, that teddy bear I've had since I was little, is it stopping me from evolving? Live the life I want? Nope, so I guess if I desperatly want to hold on to it it's ok. My ex I badly wanted to be friends with but who kept playing mind games, who always seemed to show up when I'd be moving on...obstacle so goodbye. pretty simple. And, no regrets! Looking on the bright side: If I was better off without that jerk as a boyfriend, I'm probably better off without him as a friend as well.

It's never easy to let go, break the ties but sometimes it has to be done. sometime life takes care of it for a way, 'cause does it? Really? If you move out of your present location, let's say very far, like a different country and lose contact with your friends, you could say life took care of that. But there was a reason you moved made a choice.

On choices, we ALWAYS have a choice. I mean ALWAYS, I'd never believe anything else. Saying we did not have a choice is an excuse. Say a homeless woman steals some bread to feed her son. She gets caught...she can't say she didn't have a choice. I'm not talking about shelters or anything like that let's pretend they don't exist. Her basic and pretty much only choice would've been to let her son die from hunger OR steal food. She chose the latter which pretty much anyone would say was the right CHOICE!!! Because she HAD a choice. A decision to make. And every decision, every action (even choosing not to do anything is an action) has a consequence, a reaction.

Anyhow, make your choices in life, live it fully and don't let anything stop you. What is, sometimes, isn't as important as what once was, but they should both be considered through out your life. And when you have to...don't be afraid to let go!


Monday, March 07, 2005


I like men with power...Is it why it didn't work out with my ex? He was far from the kinda guy I usually go for and yet I'd do everything for him? I don't know. Do people still call female the weaker sex? I sure hope not. Maybe I'm a little weak...well I am but to what extend?

One of my favorite movies (yep, you'll get that a lot) is Enough starring Jennifer Lopez. A woman is being violated by her husband and eventually she fights back. You would've never guessed...He was so nice and loving in the beginning. But what I like is how she stands up for herself and decides early that SHE WILL NOT TAKE IT!!! WOW, I like men with power...her husband (before he turns into a monster) is the kind of guy I'm drawn to. Successful, powerful, gets what he wants, he's not afraid to make decisions.

Only he decides that he wants her and therefor, she is his and will be until he doesn't want her anymore. He tells her right after hitting her: "Today is the price you pay for having such a wonderful life..." Freak!!! I think a lot of women who watched that movie saw the kinda man they would want before this happened. So what was it? What is it? If you want a man with power, you're bond to get stepped on? Betten up? Don't think so. But I do want to change something...How much power the guy has over me...see this is the sensible part. Power is one thing...but over what? Over who?

Hmmm...if I get involved with a guy with power(I've done it before) I just do whatever he says. I like it in a way. The other me is independant so doesn't like to be told what to do. Pretty complicated, lol, I know I'm the one who's twisted it so much. But I'm wondering, thinking...And you know what? It tells me only a woman equally strong can handle a man of power. Only a woman that knows when it's time to put her foot down. Knows what she wants and doesn't want and isn't scared to go for it. And when it's not the way it should be, she's not scared to say ENOUGH!!! And walk away if it's the only way.

So my message basically is something I've read before: "It is better to have no relationship at all than being in a bad one!"

That's who I wanna be. That strong woman who stands up for herself. And maybe someday, someday, she'll stand for others as well.