Monday, January 09, 2006

This My S***... No, No, I Meant: This My Year

Wow!!! I am starting 2006 with a blast! Lol, for whatever reason, I had a hunch that this would be my year... Even better, my horoscope agrees! Lol, I am a pisces and I was checking my 2006 horoscope on some website and it as saying that this would definitly be my year. And chinese horoscope, I am a dog which makes 2006 the year of the dog.

Everything is on my side, especially my state of mind. I have not taken any resolutions, I'm allergic to that but I have changed my whole way of seeing life. I think we have the power to make a change in our life and that we are far less influenced by others and circumstances than we think. It's just an excuse no to accept our responsability (check out March 13, 2005 in the archives). I do belive in this and I am definitly living by it. It makes a difference. Even if I fail, I'll know where to put the blame. Most of it would be on me, I'm gaining back control.

I believe if I do not live this way, I'll be a bystander in my own life! So this is it, this my year!!! :) I'll enjoy every second of this year and my succes. Even failure if there has to be, I wouldn't enjoy but I won't dwell on it. Anyhow, those who are with me and want to take control, choose 2006!!! Why? Lol, dunno, just thought 2006 was inspiring and don't know about you, but it was about time for me! (I've said it before and I started but ain't no stopping me now!) :)

Take care and Happy New Year!