Monday, August 14, 2006

Soon Going To Be **Gulp** An Aunt!!!

I thought I was passed the initial shock of my sister being pregnant. Yeah, I did say she turned 30 not long ago and yet, it still doesn't strike me how time went by so fast and even she has trouble believing I'll be 25 next year. Anyways, to get back to the subject, my sister is pregnant. She announced it to me the worst possible way: "You're going to be an aunt!!!" I was barely awake and couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't all a bad dream.

AND thank you very much, I was last to know (ok, that I'm almost never at home could explain it but still!) The news made me feel old, and I'm having trouble getting used to her fiancé which didn't help. Now months later, I'm still trying to get used to seeing that big belly on a girl that is still shorter than me and who used to be so slim. (lol) man, who thought a baby could have so much strenght already, he kicked and man, that was something!!! But anyhow, I'm not having baby fever but I am craving for a home. Not with my parents, just me and the one I love and maybe and that's a big MAYBE, someday a mini me. Ok, maybe not a good idea, a mini him. ;)

So my nephew should be around soon, can you believe I thought he hated me because he'd never kick when I was around? I wonder if he felt it, anyhow, he's kicking now. Lol, I'm not going to say I'm impatient for him to come around, I'm akward around babies and get baby fever, go figure! Anyways, well still wanna see what this little guy's gonna look like after all, I will soon be an **gulp** aunt! One rule he'll have to follow though...not to call me auntie until I am at least 35 years old! ;)

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